Work Trial Scheme

Work Trial Scheme
To offer work trial places To discover potential talents

The Labour Department launched the Work Trial Scheme (the Scheme) in July 2005 to enhance the employability of job seekers who have difficulties in finding jobs through one-month (30 days) full-time or part-time work trial*.


  • Scheme participants will be arranged to work in real jobs for one month (30 days) offered by participating organisations.
  • During the work trial period, there is no employment relationship between the participant and the participating organisation.
  • Participating organisation should provide on-the-job training for the participant and appoint a mentor to coach the participant during the work trial period.
  • With effect from 1 May 2023, on completion of the one-month (30 days) full-time work trial, each participant will receive an allowance of up to $9,600 while the allowance for part-time work trial participant will be calculated at $57 per hour, of which $500 is contributed by the participating organisation.
  • The Labour Department will take out insurance for Scheme participants.
  • Participating organisations are encouraged to offer employment to participants after the participants' completion of the work trial. Participating organisations who employ participants aged 40 or above and provide them with on-the-job training may also consider applying for training allowance under the "Employment Programme for the Elderly and Middle-aged".

(* If the working hours agreed by the participants and the participating organisations as well as the actual hours worked by the participants are at the range of 18 hours to less than 30 hours per week and less than 130 hours in total during the one-month (30 days) work trial period, the work trials would be defined as part-time in nature. In any case, the total working hours for all work trial participants during the one-month (30 days) work trial period are capped at 208 hours.)

Forms Download


Work Trial Vacancy Order Form
(for organisations wishing to participate in the Scheme)
Application Form for Participating Organisation's Request for Refund of Allowance
(for organisations requesting for refund of allowance)
Participant's Attendance Record
(for organisations with work trial arrangement)
Participant's Assessment Form
(for organisations with work trial arrangement)
You can click here to submit the completed form.

Job seekers

Work Trial Scheme Application Form
(for job seekers interested in the Scheme)
Please return the completed form to any Job Centres of the Labour Department for further processing. You can also click here to submit the enrolment form through internet.
Application Form for Claim of Allowance
(for participants who have completed the work trial)
You can click here to submit the completed form.

(To view and print form in PDF format, you need an Adobe Acrobat Reader, please click here to download)

For enquiries, please contact us:

Scheme Hotline: 2152 2090

Job Centre Addresses & Telephone Numbers