Notes for Participants

About the Scheme

To encourage persons aged 40 or above to re-enter the employment market and to unleash potential workforce, the Labour Department (LD) has launched a three-year Re-employment Allowance Pilot Scheme (the Scheme) since 15 July 2024, targeting persons aged 40 or above who have not been in paid employment for 3 consecutive months or more. A maximum re-employment allowance (REA) up to $10,000 will be given to each eligible person who has worked full-time continuously for 6 months, with an additional REA up to $10,000 to those who have worked full-time continuously for 12 months. Half-rate REA is given for those who have worked part-time. Each eligible person may receive REA up to $20,000 during the implementation period of the Scheme.

LD has commissioned the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions and the Federation of Hong Kong & Kowloon Labour Unions as service organisations to assist in implementing the Scheme. The service organisations will provide employment support and follow-up services for participants, including employment consultation, job matching assistance, follow-up and support after commencement of employment, and assistance in applying for REA.


Participants must:

  1. be aged 40 or above;
  2. not be engaged in any paid work in Hong Kong (including employment, self-employment and running a business) for 3 consecutive months or more before joining the Scheme;
  3. be legally employable in Hong Kong (except those who hold a visa/entry permit to work, study, establish or join in any business in Hong Kong or to stay in Hong Kong as a visitor);
  4. have no kinship ties with their employers; and
  5. not be the sole proprietor, partner or director of the employing company.

Application Procedures

  1. Eligible persons register for the Scheme
    (online registration on the webpage of the Scheme, with the assistance of the service organisations commissioned by LD, or submission of paper-based registration form)
  2. Look for a job through various channels, including the job matching service provided by the service organisations commissioned by LD
  3. Commencement of employment
  4. Report the successful employment within 1 month after commencement of employment through a service organisation
  5. Submit the Re-employment Allowance Application Form for the first phase within 2 months after working continuously for 6 months through a service organisation*
  6. Submit the Re-employment Allowance Application Form for the second phase within 2 months after working continuously for 12 months through a service organisation*

* After verifying the submitted information, LD will disburse the re-employment allowance to eligible participants.

Step 1: How to Apply

Participants should register once only during the implementation period of the Scheme (i.e. from 15 July 2024 to 14 July 2027).

Participants must satisfy all eligibility criteria when registering for the Scheme. Eligible persons should register for the Scheme as soon as possible. Under special circumstances, post-registration may be allowed within one month after commencement of the relevant job. However, the commencement date of the relevant job must fall on or after 15 July 2024 and within the implementation period of the Scheme.

Participants may register online here or complete and return the Participant Registration Form (available here) to the service spots of the service organisations or job centres of LD in person or by post. If needed, participants may also seek assistance from the staff at the service spots or job centres in completing the registration.

After successful registration, participants will receive an email confirmation notice with their registration information and registration reference number. If you do not have an email address, please seek assistance from the staff at the service spots or job centres in completing the registration.

Step 2: Job Seeking

Participants who registered for the Scheme through a service organisation will be followed up by the same service organisation. Otherwise, LD will assign a service organisation for them. Case officers will contact the participants and provide them with employment support and follow-up services according to their preference.

Participants may look for jobs themselves or through the job matching service provided by the service organisations. There must be a direct employment relationship between the participant and the employer.

Step 3 & 4: Reporting Successful Employment

Upon successful employment, participants must report it to the service organisations by returning the completed Employment Report Form within 1 month with proof of employment (e.g. the employment contract, wage record, attendance record or staff card). If no proof of employment could be provided, their employers may sign on Part 2 of the Employment Report Form to confirm the employment details for the participants. Participants are required to report each and every employment within the "Qualified Employment Period" (Please see the section "REA Calculation Principles" for the definition of "Qualified Employment Period").

Participants may download the Employment Report Form here or obtain a copy of it from the service organisations or job centres.

Step 5 and 6: Applying for REA

After working continuously for 6 months, participants shall claim the first-phase REA by returning the completed REA Application Form to the service organisations within 2 months. After working continuously for 12 months, participants shall claim the second-phase REA by returning the completed REA Application Form to the service organisations within 2 months. After verifying the submitted information, LD will disburse the REA to eligible participants by cheque.

Participants shall provide proof of work to the service organisations when submitting the REA Application Form, such as wage records, attendance records, MPF contribution records or other company-issued documents. If no such documents could be provided, an Employer Declaration signed by the employer should be submitted as proof of the work periods.

Participants may download the REA Application Form here, or obtain a copy of it from the service organisations or job centres.

Participants shall submit a REA Application Form for each phase within the respective timeframe, and shall not claim REA of both phases all at once after working continuously for 12 months.

Points to Note

  1. LD and its commissioned service organisations may require participants to produce relevant information for examination, including the employment contracts, wage/attendance/MPF records, tax returns and any other information to be specified. Participants shall keep the original copies of relevant records and documentary proof for 3 years from the date of submission to LD or its commissioned service organisations for examination and review by LD.

  2. Information provided by the participants shall be true and correct. The provision of false statement, misrepresentation or concealment of any information in order to obtain or attempt to obtain the re-employment allowance is a criminal offence. LD has the right to refer the case to other divisions of the Labour Department, other relevant government departments/statutory bodies and/or enforcement authorities for follow-up action. Participants also agree to return the re-employment allowance already given to him/her to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

  3. LD reserves the final right to approve REA claims and to determine its amount. In case of disputes over the application or interpretation of terms and clauses of the Scheme, the authority to make final decisions rests with LD.

  4. For submission by post, please make a copy of the filled application forms for record and ensure sufficient mailing time and postage to make delivery in order. Underpaid mail will be rejected.

  5. The Notes for Participants will be updated at times and the terms should be subject to the latest version. For enquiries, please contact the REA Scheme Hotline at 2116 0131 / 2397 7277, or visit to REA Scheme webpage on the Interactive Employment Service website at