Dedicated Webpage for Elderly Job Seekers

Training Information

Employees Retraining Board

The Employees Retraining Board (ERB) now offers about 700 courses covering around 30 industries with market potential. Apart from offering placement-tied courses on vocational skills training, the ERB is also providing "generic skills courses" on training of transferable skills applicable in different industries, "skills upgrading courses" to assist serving employees to raise their skill level and dedicated courses for special target groups. ERB provides generic skills courses covering areas such as workplace languages, IT applications and personal attributes, while "skills upgrading courses" are job-specific skills training to facilitate trainees to excel in their professions. ERB courses are geared to assist trainees to acquire recognised qualifications and enhance their competitiveness.

Elder Academy

To encourage elders to lead an active and flourishing life, the Labour and Welfare Bureau and the Elderly Commission jointly launched a school-based Elder Academy (EA) Scheme in early 2007. With the support of schools and NGOs, there are at present over 100 elder academies established in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions throughout the territory.

To learn more about the EA Scheme, please visit the EA website (

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